Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Pilaf with Vegetables (Sebzeli Pilav)

1 ½ cup rice, washed and drained
1 carrot, chopped
1 potato, chopped finely
1 cup peas, frozen or fresh
½ cup corn kernels (optional)
2-3 tbsp butter
3 tbsp canola oil
2 ½-3 cups chicken stock/broth
¼ tsp sugar
1 tbsp salt to taste

Chop carrot into cubes or round; chop the potato in small cubes as well. Heat the oil in a large skillet and cook first potatoes, then carrots until they become soft.
Boil the peas about 3-5 minutes and drain. Set the vegetables aside.
Melt the butter in a pot and stir in rice. Cook for about 2-3 minutes over medium heat. Add hot chicken stock, salt and sugar into pot. Stir and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat, close the lid.
When the pilaf is about to absorb the water (when a little water remains), stir in gently the peas, carrots, potatoes and corn kernels (optional). Close the lid and cook till all the water is absorbed. Open the lid cover the pot with a paper towel and close the lid over paper towel. Leave for a rest 10 minutes.
Sprinkle black pepper over if desired.

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1 ½ su bardagi pirinc, yikanmis suzulmus
1 havuc, dogranmis
1 patates, kup kup dogranmis
1 su bardagi bezelye, dondurulmus ya da taze
½ su bardagi misir tanesi (istege bagli)
2-3 yemek kasigi tereyag
3 yemek kasigi sivi yag
2 ½ -3 su bardagi tavuk suyu
½ cay kasigi seker
1 yemek kasigi tuz

Havucu kup seklinde ya da halka halka dograyin. Patatesi de kup seklinde kucuk kucuk dograyin. Bir tavada sivi yagda once patatesleri sonra havuclari yumusayana dek kavurun. Bezelyeleri 3-5 dakika haslayin ve suyunu suzun.
Tencereye tereyagini alin ve pirincleri ilave edin. Pirincler tane tane olup ayrilmaya baslayana dek yaklasik 2-3 dakika orta ateste cevirin. Sicak olan tavuk suyu, tuz ve sekeri ilave edin karistirin ve kaynamaya baslayinca kapagini kapatin, hafif ates alin.
Pilav suyunu cekmeye yakin havuc, patates, bezelye ve misiri (istege bagli) ilave edin karistirin ve kapagini kapatip, iyice suyunu cekene kadar pisirin. Pistikten sonra tencerinin agzini kagit havlu ile ortup uzerine kapagini kapatin. Yaklasik 10 dakika kadar dinlendirin.
Uzerine karabiber serperek servis yapabilirsiniz.

Ana Sayfaya Don

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