2-3 carrots, shredded
5 tbsp olive oil/melted butter
1 ½ cups yogurt
2 cloves of garlic, minced
4-5 pairs of fresh parsley/dill, chopped
½ lemon’s juice
1 tbsp salt to taste
Peel the boiled potatoes and mash with a fork or blender. Stir in lemon juice, half of the salt and 3 tbsp olive oil/butter. Spread the mashed potatoes on the bottom of a medium size Pyrex dish.
Meanwhile, in a skillet sauté carrots with ½ tsp salt and the rest of the olive oil/butter over medium heat (5-6 minutes). And then, place the carrots over potatoes evenly (see the picture).
In a bowl; mix yogurt, minced garlic and the remaining salt. Spread it all over the carrots and garnish with chopped parsley/dill.
Also you can place the potato salad to serving plates and then pour the yogurt sauce.
***This is a vegetarian recipe.
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4-6 tane patates, haslanmis
2-3 tane havuc, rendelenmis
5 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi/erimis tereyagi
1 ½ su bardagi yogurt
2 dis sarimsak, ezilmis/rendelenmis
4-5 dal maydanoz/dereotu, dogranmis
½ limonun suyu
1 yemek kasigi tuz
Haslanmis patateslerin kabuklarini soyun ve blendir ya da catal ile ezin. Tuzun yarisini, limon suyu ve 3 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi/tereyagi ilave edip, guzelce karistirin. Orta boy bir borcam tepsinin dibine patates karisimini yayin.
Bu sirada bir tavada 2 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi/tereyagi, 1 cay kasigi tuz ile rendelenmis havuclari orta ateste 5-6 dakika sote edin. Sonra, havuclari patatesin uzerine yayin (resime bakiniz).
Yogurt, geri kalan tuz ve sarimsagi bir kasede karistirin ve havuclarin ustune esit olarak yayin. Son olarak uzerine maydanoz/dere otu serpin.
Isterseniz yogurtlu sosu ve maydanozu servis tabagina aldiktan sonra dokebilirsiniz.
***Bu bir vejeteryan tarifidir.
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Bayılırım,sunumuda nefis olmuş.ellerinize sağlık.Sevgiler...
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