1/3 cup yogurt
1/3 cup canola oil
2 eggs (one of the yolk is for egg wash)
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp baking powder/1 package baking powder
1 tsp salt to taste
4-5 cups flour
2 pairs of green onions, chopped finely
1/3 bunch parsley, chopped finely
1/3 bunch dill, chopped finely
Leave one of the egg yolk for the glaze. Then combine all the ingredients, but the flour and the greens in a big bowl. Then add the flour slowly and knead till a soft and elastic dough is obtained (for about 8-10 minutes). Cover it with a clean cloth and leave for 15 minutes.
Add the greens and knead again till they are even. Place a baking paper over or grease the baking tray. Then grab walnut size dough pieces and give them any kind of shape you like. You can also flatten the dough with a roller and use cookie molds or just cut with a knife.
Preheat the oven to 350F (180 C) and beat the egg yolk for the egg wash. Brush the tops of the cookies with egg wash and bake for about 18-20 minutes, till they turn light golden brown.
Savory Pastries with Herbs are good to go with tea, coffee and at breakfast and brunch.
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100 gr (6-7 yemek kasigi) margarin/tereyag, eritilmis
1/3 su bardagi yogurt
1/3 su bardagi sivi yag (tercihen kanola)
2 yumurta (birinin sarisi uzeri icin)
1 yemek kasigi seker
1 tatli kasigi tuz
1 tatli kasigi kabartma tozu/1 paket
4-5 su bardagi un
2 tane yesil sogan, ince dogranmis
1/3 demet maydanoz, ince kiyilmis
1/3 demet dereotu, ince kiyilmis
Yumurtanin birinin sarisini uzeri icin ayirin. Un ve yesillikler haric butun malzemeleri buyuk bir kasede karistirin. Yavas yavas unu ilave ederek elastic ve yumusak bir hamur elde edene dek yaklasik 8-10 dakika yogurun. Uzerini temiz bir bez ile ortup 15 dakika dinlenmeye birakin.
Sonra yesillikleri ilave edin ve esit olarak dagilmasi icin tekrar yogurun. Firin tepsisine yagli kagit yerlestirin ya da yaglayin. Hamurdan ceviz buyuklugunde parcalar kopararak istediginiz sekiller yaparak tepsiye dizin. Isterseniz oklava ile hamuru acip, kurabiye kaliplari kullanin.
Firini 180C (350F) ye isitin. Kuru pastalarin uzerine yumurta sarisini surun ve uzeri kizarana dek 18-20 dakika pisirin.
Otlu kuru pastalar; cay, kahve yaninda ve kahvaltida ikram edilebilcek guzel bir alternatiftir.
1 comment:
I can't wait to try making these! I really love your site. I am Australian, currently married to a Turkish man and living in Istanbul. (We have been married for 18 months). Usually what happens is, my mother-in-law shows me how to make something, I immediately forget, but come to your site and follow your recipe! I really appreciate you posting in both Turkish and English.
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