Friday, December 26, 2008

Roasted Nuts (Kavrulmus Kuruyemis)

1 lb unshelled nuts (walnut, almond, hazelnut, pecan etc.)
½ tsp salt

Wash the unshelled nuts and drain. Then, sprinkle the salt and mix. Place them on a baking tray with baking paper (see the picture).
Preheat the oven to 350-375 F (180-190 C) and roast the nuts till they change to light brown color (8-10 minutes). Also when they are ready, you can hear them cracking.
Cool the roasted nuts and rub them with your hands to remove their thin skins.
½ kg kabugu soyulmus kuruyemis (ceviz, badem, findik, v.s)
1 cay kasigi tuz

Kabugu soyulmus kuruyemisleri yikayin ve suyunu suzdeukten sonra tuz serpip harmanlayin. Yagli kagit yaydiginiz firin tepsisinin dibine kuruyemisleri yayin. (resime bakiniz)

Onceden isitilmis 180-190 C (350-375 F) firinda 8-10 dakika kavurun. Renkleri hafif kahverengiye donecek ve citirdamaya baslayacaklardir.
Soguduktan sonra, elinizle ovalayarak ince kabuklarindan ayirabilirsiniz.

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