1 lb (500 gr) spinach or 1 can spinach
1 medium onion, sliced
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp smashed tomato in a can or 1 tbsp tomato paste
½ tsp salt
A pinch of red pepper and black pepper ( optional)
Put the oil in a large skillet. Sauté the onion with oil and smashed tomatoes/ tomato paste for 2-3 minutes at low-medium heat. Then, add the spinach and salt, cook for 5-6 minutes by stirring occasionally. Finally, make holes for eggs in the middle of the spinach mixture. Break the eggs into these holes, sprinkle some salt. If you wish, you could sprinkle some red and black pepper on top. Close the lid of the skillet and cook until the egg whites are cooked.
2-3 yumurta
500 gr (1/2 kg) ispanak ya da 1 kutu konserve ispanak
1 orta boy sogan, dogranmis
1 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
2 yemek kasigi domates puresi ya da 1 yemek kasigi domates salcasi
1 cay kasigi tuz
Bir tutam kirmizi biber ve karabiber (optional)
Genis bir tavaya yagi ve soganlari koyup, orta ateste sogani kavurun.Domates salcasini/ puresini ilave edip 2-3 dakika sote edin. Sonra ispanagi ve tuzu ilave edip, ara sira karistirarak 5-6 dakika pisirin.
Son olarak ispanaklarin ortasinda yumurtalar icin cukurlar acin ve bu cukurlarin icine yumurtalari kirin. Yumurtalarin uzerine biraz tuz serpin. Eger arzu ederseniz uzerine karabiber ve kirmizi biber de ilave edebilirsiniz. Tavanin kapagini kapatin ve yumurta aklari pisene dek pisirin.
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