4 potatoes, chopped or sliced
1 carrot, sliced or 6 baby carrots
½ tsp salt (for potatoes and carrots)
1 tsp salt (for chicken)
½ lemon juice
2 tbsp yoghurt
1 tsp paprika
½ tsp cumin
½ tsp thyme
1 tbsp oil
Place the chopped or sliced potatoes and carrots in a Pyrex dish, spread the salt and mix them. You might take the chicken’s skin off if you wish. I have taken the skin out. Then, spread salt all over the chicken with your hands. Then, mix the lemon juice, yoghurt, paprika, cumin, thyme and oil. Apply it all over the chicken with a brush.
Preheat the oven to 400 F (200C) and cook for about 60 minutes until it is golden brown.
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1 butun tavuk
4 patates, istenilen sekilde dogranmis
1 havuc, dogranmis
1 cay kasigi tuz ( patates ve havuclar icin)
1 butun tavuk
4 patates, istenilen sekilde dogranmis
1 havuc, dogranmis
1 cay kasigi tuz ( patates ve havuclar icin)
1 tatli kasigi tuz (tavuk icin)
½ limon suyu
2 yemek kasigi yogurt
2 cay kasigi kirmizi biber
1 cay kasigi kimyon
1 cay kasigi kekik
½ limon suyu
2 yemek kasigi yogurt
2 cay kasigi kirmizi biber
1 cay kasigi kimyon
1 cay kasigi kekik
1 yemek kasigi sivi yag
Dogranmis patates ve havuclari borcam tepsiye koyun, uzerlerine tuz serpip, karistirin. Tavugun derisini alabilirsiniz ya da derisi ile pisirebilirsiniz. (Ben derisini alarak yaptim) Tavugun her yerini ellerinizle guzelce tuzlayin, ovalayin. Sonra limon suyu, yogurt, kirmizi biber, kimyon, kekik ve siviyagi karistirin. Bir firca yardimiyla tavugun her yerine bu karisimi surun.
Onceden isitilmis 200 C (400 F) firinda, tavugun uzeri kizarana dek 60 dakika pisirin. Firinda kizarmis tavugunuz hazir.
Dogranmis patates ve havuclari borcam tepsiye koyun, uzerlerine tuz serpip, karistirin. Tavugun derisini alabilirsiniz ya da derisi ile pisirebilirsiniz. (Ben derisini alarak yaptim) Tavugun her yerini ellerinizle guzelce tuzlayin, ovalayin. Sonra limon suyu, yogurt, kirmizi biber, kimyon, kekik ve siviyagi karistirin. Bir firca yardimiyla tavugun her yerine bu karisimi surun.
Onceden isitilmis 200 C (400 F) firinda, tavugun uzeri kizarana dek 60 dakika pisirin. Firinda kizarmis tavugunuz hazir.
AWESOME!!! thanks...
The=is chicken looks sooo juicy and yummy. I was wondering how you got so much sauce? did you cook the chicken covered or uncovered?
I cooked it uncovered and did not add anything liquid. All this sauce comes from the chicken itself. Chicken releases its juice while cooking. And it really is yummy!
I think the yogurt used is also helping to have some liquid and for the chicken to stay juicy though not covered during cooking
I think the yogurt used is also helping to have some liquid and for the chicken to stay juicy though not covered during cooking
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