2 lbs chicken breast
5 large potatoes, peeled and sliced in ½” thick circular shapes
1-2 carrots, peeled and sliced
½ cup oil for frying
2 onions, sliced in circular shapes
1½ tbsp salt
1 tbsp oil
3½ cups chicken stock
A pinch of black pepper
Yogurt and any kind of finely chopped green salad
In a pot, place the chicken and add some salt. Boil, till the chicken is cooked. Then remove the bones (if any) and cut the chicken in bite sizes. Leave the chicken stock for later use.
In a large skillet, fry the potatoes and carrots until they turn to light golden brown. Do not over fry. Sprinkle some salt on them.
In a bowl, wash the rice and cover with warm water. Leave for 15-20 minutes and drain.
In a large pot, spread the oil and place the onion slices evenly, without leaving any space at the bottom. Then place some of the chicken on them to make a layer. Then form a thin layer of the rice on them. Repeat forming layers with potatoes, chicken, carrots and rice in between till you use all the ingredients.
Add 1 ½ tbsp salt into the chicken stock that you have. Take 3 ½ cups of chicken stock and add to the pot. If you don’t have enough chicken stock you can use hot water instead. Close the lid and cook over low-medium heat until the rice is soft and the water evaporates (about 30-45 minutes).
When the Maklube is cooked, reverse the pot in the middle of a large circular tray. Hit the sides and top of the pot with a wooden spoon. Remove the pot slowly. Then place yogurt and salad in sequence around the Maklube. Generally shepherd salad is used but you can also use any other salad you wish. You can also add fried eggplant, peas and or any other vegetables you like. You can sprinkle some black pepper on top before serving.
2 ½ su bardagi pirinc
1 kilo tavuk
5 buyuk patates, parmak kalinliginda oval dilimlenmis
1-2 havuc, dilimlenmis
½ su bardagi kizartma yagi
2 sogan, yuvarlak dilimlenmis
1½ yemek kasigi tuz
1 yemek kasigi sivi yag
3½ su bardagi tavuk suyu
Bir tutam karabiber
Sus icin:
Yogurt ve istediginiz cesit, kucuk dogranmis yesil salata (genelde coban salatasi)
Tavugu tencerede bir miktar tuz ekleyerek pisine dek haslayin. Eger kemikli ise soguduktan sonra etlerini ayirin ve kucuk kucuk dograyin. Tavugun suyunu maklubeyi pisirmek icin kullanacagiz.
Patatesleri ve havuclari genis bir tavada hafif kizarana dek kizartin ve uzerlerine tuz serpin. Pirinci yikayip, 15-20 dakika ilik suda dinlendirin ve suzun.
Buyuk bir tencerenin dibine bir yemek kasigi sivi yag koyup dilimlediginiz soganlari hic bosluk kalmayacak sekilde yayin. Tavugun bir kismini soganlarin uzerine tabaka halinde koyun. Uzerine bir miktar pirinc yayin. Daha sonra bir sira patates koyun. Yine pirinc yayip, bu sefer havuclari tabaka halinde koyun. Bu islemi pirinc, patates, tavuk ve havuclar bitene kadar tabakalar halinde tekrarlayin.
Tavugu hasladigimiz suyun icine 1 ½ yemek kasigi tuz ilave edip, karistirin ve buradan 3 ½ su bardagi su tencerenin uzerine ilave edin.
Tencerenin kapagini kapatin ve pirincler suyunu cekip pisene dek kisik ateste pisirin.
Pisen maklube tenceresini, buyuk bir tepsinin ortasina gelecek sekilde ters cevirin.Sonra, maklubeyi tencereden duzgun cikarmak icin tahta kasik ile tencerenin ustune ve kenarlarina vurun.Yavasca tencereyi kaldirin. Tepsinin kenarlarina sira ile salata ve yogurt koyarak ikram edin. Salata olarak genelde coban salatasi tercih edilir ama istediginiz salatayi ikram edebilirsiniz. Ayrica istege gore bezelye, kizarmis patlican yada baska sebzeler de eklenebilir
Isterseniz maklubenin uzerine karabiber serpebilirsiniz.
1 comment:
I love the colorful way you presented this dish...I thought maklube was a palestinian dish???
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